
Staying on Track With a Busy Schedule

By May 18, 2018 No Comments

by Angie Thomson

1-What are the main areas to focus on, when we are trying to stay in shape, or get into better shape?

    1)Meal planning and LOTS and LOTS of water

    2)Workout program design

    3)Workout schedule – when to fit it in?

2-How do I begin if I want to start meal planning?

    The best way to start meal planning, is first to ask yourself what foods does your body respond well to, and what foods does your body not respond well to. I’m talking allergies, intolerances, digestive issues, inflammatory foods, etc…I’m all about eating CLEAN, whole food based foods, so I like to make sure that my client’s meals and snacks are derived of foods that are going to be good for them. Each individual is different, so if you have specific medical concerns, it would be wise to hire a Registered Dietician or a Certified Nutritionist to help you.

3-Ok, so if I have narrowed down a few foods to avoid, and have my list of foods that I love and will eat, then what?

    Then you need to design a plan that is within your calorie limit, and that combines a good ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If you hate fish and kale, then don’t put that in your plan! You won’t eat it! Try to find other foods that have those same benefits, but that you will actually follow through with. Then, PREP-PREP-PREP! This is KEY! Prepare your meals and snacks that you are going to make for the week, and have them all ready to go in the fridge or freezer. It is so much easier to stay on track when you already have it ready to grab and go. This cuts the temptations out of choosing foods that aren’t on the plan, and it also saves you so much time and money in the long run…especially with a busy schedule. TTT encourages our clients to follow a simple meal plan that breaks down the macro nutrients, and directs them on serving sizes and timing of meals/snacks.

4-So, I have my meal planning under wrap, now what about having to fit a workout in every day?

    Here’s where it gets fun! Workouts can be in so many different forms, and it’s exciting to find what you enjoy! You don’t need to do something every day, most programs are 5-6 days a week. Rest, recovery and sleep are vital factors in reaching your fitness goals. It really is beneficial to meet with a personal trainer. Tell them your medical history, what you enjoy doing, your fitness goals, and where you plan on doing your workouts. They can help you set a program, line out you what to do each day of the week, along with making appointments (accountability is SO important!) for each day. Some of those appointments may be on your own, and some may be with your trainer. We prefer our clients to do their “homework” programs we have designed for them on their own, and then meeting with us 1-2 times a week. When you train in a TTT group, you will go through a full body workout, alongside other clients sharing similar goals. You will never get bored since the workouts change every single day. Your mind and muscles get  challenged in different ways, we keep it fresh and push you to your full potential! Typically, when we exercise on our own we don’t workout at the intensity level that we do when we’re with others. It is AWESOME to see our clients achieve things they didn’t think they could! 

5-What type of program do you suggest for busy schedules?

    Since each client is at a different level, this changes for every individual. For the client that does not have any medical restrictions, I normally suggest a full body, high- intensity interval workout, composed of strength and resistance training for 2-3 days (non-consecutive) of the week. Along with that, they also do 3-4 days of “homework” workouts. This way, we are adding lean muscle, burning unwanted fat, and lowering our body fat % at a a faster pace. The more lean muscle we have on our bodies, the higher ouur metabolic rate will be, leading to more fat burn. YES please! Our goal should be to be the best God has created us to be, and not let physical/mental/spiritual limitations hold us back. YOU CAN BE YOUR BEST GOD HAS MADE YOU TO BE! It is more than possible!